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Yvonne YSh Studio

In the Night

You never can tell when you just might next need some additional strength...

New baby, darkened room, wee hours of the morning and just enough light that the images on the walls show as an impression. It was just such an experience this year that headed me towards creating this website and the 'Inspired art to live with' collections. In the dark, I found my self leaning into the images adorning my bedroom walls and found they were a precious support for the new night-shift routine with baby. In the soft blue hue cast by a floor night light, I nursed and I could just make out a heart shape image and one or two words then in the light of day the same routine included reading the inspired message. I found it soothing, no longer stuck in physical pain and depletion, nurtured by the painted washes of colour and the words "Keeping Soul at any cost" and "Be with, enjoy and live each juicy moment". It brought in an ease to quell difficult situations and helped me claim my joy daily, inspiring connection to my true self and my darling new little baby. So thats one of my innate uses of these works, maybe you have art works that do this for you already in your home? Let me know if you do. ∞

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