What a wonderful two weeks of learning and connection.
Thank you to those who participated in the recent Palliative and Bereavement Care Art Psychotherapy sessions held at Frankston's healing spaces at 'the Garden'. The program included current practice methods, art based experiential work distilling practical theory informing and flavouring individuals' art therapy practice, contemporary palliative and bereavement approaches addressing some of the specifics of paediatric and developmental considerations, cognitive loss and change, medical trauma, PTSD and complicated grief. The great sharing of resources all involved led to rich exchanges of opportunities for continued quality, tailored art therapy options for those enduring a life threatening illness or whom are bereaved. Myth busting professional roles of the art therapist working in health care and small business development has inspired plans for further professional education sessions for practicing art therapists in 2019.
Stay connected, and I will see you those of you who are professionally registered or continuing your Master of Arts, Arts Therapy studies, for more palliative and bereavement care art psychotherapy education opportunities the new year.